I just wanted to write a few things about who I am. I am a mother of two children Kaylyn aka: KK, Big Red. She is 9 years old going on 12! Then there is Anthony aka: Butch he is 7 years old. I have one dog named Angelo George who is 2 years old. He is just a big pup who loves his mama! When I'm not working I visit my family in Duluth. You will find me walking in the woods and sitting next to my wood stove in the garage. Nature is my free gift I let myself enjoy from time to time!
I started taking photography seriously after my friend passed away from cancer. It was a hobby at first but, then became my passion. God showed me the gift he wanted me to have so I felt the need to do his work through my camera. I feel honored to do what I do and I'm forever grateful for the work I do!